Thursday, 20 August 2015

1015 AMBANK AGM 大马投资银行股东大会 2015年

Today 20/08/2015 is AMBANK AGM.
- Start at 10:00am but when I arrive at 8:00am, the Q is long as picture below.
- Serve simple and nice breakfast, the chicken dump stick very yummy.

Door Gift
- Got recycle bag made by sackcloth.
- Berjaya Hotel Hi-Tea meal voucher (validity 6 months)

Ambank AGM 我八点出到, 蛮多人的, 我看有 20% 人是冲着 agm door gift 来的包括我,因为要敢着上班,拿了就走.

Voucher 诚意十足,六个月的期限。整个redeem door gift 过程还蛮快的。

entering to hall redeem door gift
people mountain people sea
breakfast by Ambank
nice bag
hi tea voucher