Thursday, 10 October 2019

购买SSP储蓄证券计划 - Sijil Simpanan Premium


缺点: 利息很少, 买少过5000马币只有0.15%.


(1) 到任何 BSN 银行,和职员说要买 BSN SSP.
(2) 同个时候开个 BSN 户口,我开 Basic Saving - i, 只给20块马币,debit 卡没年费,没收我12块卡费。

(3) 开个 BSN saving 户口 方便下次上网买 SSP.

(4) SSP  最底10块,一个抽奖号码,Counter 买会Print 个resit给你。

(5) 如故是上网买,记得 Print/ Save resit, 方便自己对中奖号码。

(6) 如果要卖回给 BSN (拿回钱) 就要到 Counter.



Wednesday, 2 October 2019

投资 My ASNB 固定的基金

在定期存款利息低迷的时候, 国民信托以今天2019年还有5%的利息, 投资国民信托是不错的选择。

国民信托有分为浮动 和 固定 两种。


首先,先到 POS Malaysia 开户,要复印 I/C. 和 POS Office 's staff 说开户,然后随便选一个浮动的基金(Etc ASN Imbang2, ASN Equity 3, ASN Sara 1) 买入 RM150.00。



 如果 POS Office 开了户口,上网注册不到就要直接到ASNB的Kiosk哪边register.

 第二,直接到 ASNB 开户。

非土著的 固定的基金 有 #ASM, # ASM 2 WAWASAN, #ASM3

#MyAsnb app
#ASM3 1000 units

Monday, 29 July 2019

Alliance Bank AGM @ 25 July 2019

Meal Box + Mydin RM50 cash vouchers

10-14% 的合法投资平台 (P2P financing investment get 10-14% P.A. interest rate)

As current fixed deposit rate about 3%, in order to get higher return, I found another investment opportunities which is

Funding Societies is the first and largest peer-to-peer (P2P) financing platform in Malaysia.

银行定期存款有点低,楼主发现到有一个合法的平台能提供10-14% 的年利息.

Before you join, be prepare:

1. I/c verification
2. Bank statement
3. Prepared RM1,000 (one thousand ringgit Malaysia)

After verified by FS, the panel look like below:

What you see after you click, "Investment Opportunities",

In above picture, currently there is only one funding project, in order to judge this Risk factor you can click right top "PDF".

High Yield high return

For me, In order to minimize the risk I try with RM1,000 investment. And investment into "Invoicing financing".

What is Invoice financing (发票融资)?

Invoice financing is a product where the sellers (“Issuer ” in this case) sell their future receivables or invoices that the seller's issue to their customers (“Buyer”) to get immediate cash. When the buyers pays these invoices, Investors who bought these future receivables would receive the full payment and make a return.


If you wan promo code, please to email at


Thursday, 23 May 2019